BUGPOC LFI Challenge
BUGPOC LFI Challenge
We are given a website Social Media Sharer and We need to leak etc/passwd

We can write and share posts via social accounts mentioned below
After looking into source code there is a javascript file with some functions and some checks.
The main function here is processUrl().
function processUrl(e) {
requestTime = Date.now(),
url = "https://api.buggywebsite.com/website-preview";
var t = new XMLHttpRequest;
t.onreadystatechange = function() {
4 == t.readyState && 200 == t.status ? (response = JSON.parse(t.responseText),
populateWebsitePreview(response)) : 4 == t.readyState && 200 != t.status && (console.log(t.responseText),
document.getElementById("website-preview").style.display = "none")
t.open("POST", url, !0),
t.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"),
t.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json"),
data = {
url: e,
requestTime: requestTime
It takes url and makes a post.And then it calls populateWebsitePreview() function to fetch the og:image and its tags from the url and loads it to imgData .
I crafted a html with meta tag og:image in my php server
<meta property="og:image" content="/test.png" />
Placed the ngrok link ,and observe the response there is base64 encoded data of our image file (test.png) .And we also see the incomming requests from the server to our local server. Well we understand the functionality.It makes request to specified url/value which we place in the content of og:image
If we place other than jpg,png,svg files in content we get an error Image Preview Error: Invalid Image URL
Lets see what checking this ..
Checks and Bypass :
Check 1
- When we place content with image extensions , we getting a HEAD requestthen GET request which fetches the image ,If we provide any extensions other than jpg,png,svg we didn’t get any HEAD incomming request .
- So the server checking the extension we placing, We can bypass this by providing double extensions like test.svg.php
<meta property="og:image" content="myserver/test.svg.php" />
Check 2
- I created a php file with named
and placed it in my local server and placed the link in content of og:image andthe server returnsImage Failed HEAD Test
- By this error we know there is a check for HEAD method , if we see what is HEAD request method it only return Headers not reponse body .
- By observing the Incomming HEAD requests for Valid file , we see that it has a Content-type for successful request .
- So added Content-Type: image/svg+xml in the
.We got no error there , so it happened , we bypassed HEAD check
header("Content-Type: image/svg+xml");
If we observe clearly we have a GET request after the HEAD request to fetch the image content ,so if we redirect the GET request of the image to file:///etc/passwd
it fetches the etc/passwd content.
So added a Location header to file://etc/passwd
in the above php file.
header("Content-Type: image/svg+xml");
header('Location: file:///etc/passwd');
place the ngrok link and see the response.
Guess what, 🙌 It worked and we leaked the etc/passwd